For a while now I've been using Tumblr as a host for a couple of my other blogs, Lunchtime Lens and Pickt, and I have decided that the time is right to move Excess Memory over there also.
I guess that the reason most people keep a blog is so that they can have it read by as many folks as possible. And that's my problem. I don't really think that many people, if indeed any, stop by EM. And this lack of readership makes my efforts seem pointless. Yes, I enjoy writing these posts and for the most part, I'm primarily writing them for my own entertainment. But a little encouragement would be nice.
My Tumblr blogs, on the other hand, have a healthy following which provides a great incentive to carry on with them (and a great ego boost too). Which is why, over the next couple of weeks Excess Memory will be moved over to where, I hope, more readers will find my work.
So, for those that do read this blog, please check over at:
where EM will be making it's new home over the next few weeks.
Goodbye Blogger, it's been emotional.