
Been a while since my last post. Not much to report. No new print work as I'm awaiting a new delivery of ink. In the meantime though, my Moleskine has been getting a bit of a work out.

Here is Jimi Hendrix, David Bowie (from the early 70's when he had a dodgy perm) and Orson Wells, which I think looks more like Lee Majors. Oh, well. I'll post some more later.


A few months ago I mentioned that my studio, Green Door, was hosting an international print exchange. Well, I've just received my prints from those who submitted and I have to say that I'm really chuffed with what I got in return. Here are just a couple.

The first is by Norman McBeath from Scotland and the second by Li Yong Chen from California.

I hope whoever has mine likes it.

I also managed to, finally, get a print down of 'Weight of the World'. What with my printer issues etc. I was beginning to think this would never happen. Well, here it is. Not perfect by any means. I found that a print of this size really needs to be executed on as big a screen as possible. I split each layer over two screens, which lead to some problems with registration. But hey, we learn from these mistakes, right?


Still not got any new print work to show, however this should be rectified tomorrow.

The problems that I'd had with the printer are now all taken care of. It would appear that full price Epson ink is just shit, yet cheap as chips compatibles work like a charm. Who knew?

In the mean time here is a sketch that I posted on Comic Geek Speak forum. This is Swamp Thing and Man Thing passing the time of day (did this at work tonight, don't tell the boss).