
I'm ready...
for the show at Café Zen. As any reader of this blog will know, and yes I do have a few readers, I have been working on these images for a while now (a quick check tells me it was back in February when I started work on these). And, drum roll please, here they are, framed and ready to hang either next Thursday or Friday. I'll be dropping them off at Green-Door tomorrow ready for the big day. This'll be my first real show participation since way back in 2003. I have to say that I am really excited. I had to take a quick snap of the little blighters just to see what they look like together and I think they look the dogs. But then I would wouldn't I.

These four prints are in editions of fifty, printed on acid free 300gsm paper and, should anyone fancy one, are available for £85 each (p+p to be advised - UK and world wide).


This a redux of 'Beetlebum', a print that I thought I had finished back in January. I was never completely satisfied with the finished article so, when I was approached by someone recently who had asked for a copy, I tool the opportunity to have another stab at it. The original was executed in three tones of blue which, while o.k.,always seamed a little flat. I decided to take out the darkest shade of blue and replace it with black. I also added an out line to the typographic elements. If you compare this with the original I hope you'll agree that the changes are for the better.

This is an edition of 20, 28cm x 19cm and is available for the princely sum of £50 (+£5 postage in the U.K.). Anyone interested in obtaining a copy can contact me at mail/remove/@mickstatham.com


So, this is how it goes...

First prep the screens and expose the image.

Fix the screen into the press

Ink it up and make a registration print

If everything's good, add more ink and start printing

Before you know it you have a row of lovely prints.

O.K. so it's not that simple. I just didn't take enough pictures.


My four 'Pantheon' series prints are now in the bag so all is set for the show at the Zen Café, a local arts café in the centre of town. Not sure of the date of the show yet but it's looking imminent.

I also have a small interview up at 'The Tools Artists Use'. It's a really great snooping resource. If, like me, you like to read about other artists techniques and modus operandi, you should really check this out.

Later this week I'm going to post some photo's of my work space at Green Door studios to let folks see how I work when I'm there.