
Hello, my names Don

Actually, no it's not. And if you've been hooked by Mad Men as I have you'll know that, despite the man oozing utter charm and coolness, he's still a bit of a twit. But, when all said and done, Don Draper is a man who really knows how to wear a suit.

This weekend, Helen and myself will be attending the wedding of one of her work colleagues. It'll be an all day affair of hobnobbing with folks which we don't really know that well and it will culminate with Helen dragging a reluctant moi onto the dance floor. Oh, the embarrassment. But, I digress.

Helen has been prepared for weeks, outfit ready and looking gorgeous as ever. I, on the other hand, rarely look gorgeous in anything. But the effort and intention is always there. This time I'll be sporting a medium grey suit, white shirt and dark grey, slim tie. I'll be doing all I can not to show up my beloved, at least in the couture stakes at any rate. With a bit of luck I might even give Don a run for his money.

Does anyone know where I could acquire some charm at this late stage?

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