
Here is the Ares image that I mentioned a couple of weeks ago. I'm really pleased with the way it's come out. I'm trying to produce three more along the same theme for a new show that should be up sometime in April. If only I could get my screen printing act together...Yep, that's right. It all went 'tits up' at the studio again this week. Even managed to trash one of the screens in the process. Don't think Pandora was best pleased.


This is just plain scary.



It's been a long couple of weeks.

Weeks in which nothing much has happened. Apart from too much day job and not enough time for my own work. I'm trying to come up with a series of prints that have a common theme. I keep getting flashes of ideas based around Greek mythology, specifically Ares, for no apparent reason. Something must have sparked this, although I have no idea what. So I'm just going with it to see what happens.

I also have another invitation to design. This time it's a twenty fifth wedding anniversary. Something tasteful and sophisticated is called for. Bugger! Stylish, funky and hip I can do, tasteful and sophisticated is something altogether different. We'll see how that shapes up.